With Jehan Ranasinghe & Dave Bulmer
A very very grownup and sensible discussion of animated films by two silly people. (Theme tune by Bulby: https://www.youtube.com/c/Bulby)
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Something is happening, and we've noticed it. We noticed it slowly, over the course of a couple of years. We're going to tell you about it, over three episodes about different things that all add up to one big thing. First, we're going back to a live stream that we broadcast during March of 2021, when Disney brought out a film that caused all sorts of kerfuffle, and then just sort of disappeared from people's memories. Next, we've recorded two new episodes for you, about what happened in the following two years. Apart from Encanto, which we did a whole episode about in between, and already released. Okay? Look, it'll be fine, we've made it so it's fine. We're good at this. Just click it and we can get started.
Filetype: MP3 - Size: 392.2MB - Duration: 2:50:58 m (320 kbps 44100 Hz)